It is not the newly “imposed” sex-ed curriculum that I am so disappointed with. It is the blind allegiance for the push toward a so-called progressive state that seems to somehow surpass some of the most fundamental and transformative issues surrounding “liberation”. This new sex-ed curriculum, as espoused by Kathleen Wynn and the newly elected liberal government in the province of Ontario, has set their sights on an optimistic goal of channeling a new world and challenging a conservative system of what education has traditionally stood for. From a progressivist and liberal stance, this move seems appropriate. We indeed need to push forward. We are no longer living in a reality of the 1990s as much as we are no longer living in the world of the 1950s. Times have changed so fast. But it is the platform and the message that is afforded to the new sex-ex “push” that irks me to my core.
The new sex-ed agenda proposes changes that have parents and conservatives alike frenzied. This is because they are not only proposing educational changes, but they are inevitably offering psychological and sociological changes that, if carried through according to their plans and brought to fruition, have the capacity to change a culture. And kudos to them for this. Finally, someone is standing up and demonstrating an understanding that the way to change a culture is through the education of our newest generation. Trying to change a culture to reflect a new reality of society is something I have little problems with. But the car in which they chose to drive down that road has missed one model in its vehicular evolution. Before stepping onto and into the platform of sexual fluidity I question why this medium has passed over racial indefiniteness all together.
Unholy Matrimony
If you have turned the channel to CNN at anytime in the evening over the last two years you will see journalists, public speakers, intellectuals and academics talking about the context of the “newest” racial strife that has just occurred. At this point, in 2015, is seems as though the psychological and physical racial violence is ceaseless. But instead of Education pushing a radical racial agenda forward toward buttressing the issues that most saliently affect our society, we are pushing an agenda (albeit, important) that is afforded the luxury of disguise. But there is no disguise in skin complexion. Minoritized bodies are not privy to the luxury of being read how they deem fit to be read.
And this is the crux of my philosophical angst with this “brand new” sex-ed curriculum. Regardless of any backlash it may receive, the backlash will not be enough and will not encompass as much powerful bodies to halt this implementation that will inevitably happen come fall of 2015.
Teachers will be trained in this. Which again annoys the hell out of me! How is our already deficient Education budget allotted enough funds to anoint these Health and Phys. Ed. teachers with the training, resources and time to absorb this trending sexuality agenda but there has never been a financial imperative on teaching educators who “teach” in low income neighborhoods, who never grew up nor were ever near low income, minoritized, bodies to appropriately provide, guide, and teach these students? I can’t make a point more salient than that thought. I am not interested in playing the Oppression Olympics. But with this new sex-ed agenda, our educational system is simply proving just how flawed it is. The only question that I am now left with is – what will it really take for things to change?
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